Friday, January 6, 2012


“It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.”-Vince Lombardi

We are proud to announce that 3 of our employees here at Bold Marketing Strategies have been promoted! Terra Majors, Jasimine Townsend , and Shannon Kirkland were all promoted into leadership yesterday ! Although they have only been here at Bold for a few weeks, they focused on their goals and utilized resources in the office and reached leadership quickly.
Here are a few tips on how to better yourself professionally!

Challenge yourself
Top professionals constantly challenge and reinvent themselves, pushing the bar to achieve more every time. If you are able to produce 100%, try for 110%. Constantly challenge yourself to achieve more every time.

Become a valuable resource
Do people come to you for advice very often? If not, take steps to become an expert in your profession. From internal employees to the media, you must be viewed upon as a valuable resource. Look for publishing (articles, books, etc.) and public speaking opportunities in your profession.

Network, network, network
If I could, I would summarize this article in three simple words, they would be as follows: network, network, network. Knowing the right people, both within and outside the organization (especially experts, authors, and industry leaders) can do wonders for your career. If you don’t have a mentor, consider having one. The right mentor can make a significant difference in your career.

Become a better leader
The corporate world values leadership skills like no other. Irrespective of your profession or position title, leadership skills are always desirable. Be proactive and develop your leadership skills.

                                        HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ! :)

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